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Range of fertilizers in liquid form.
Care and nourishment for plants.

Algoflash Liquid Fertilizers

Algoflash range of liquid fertilizers comprises of specialised fertilizers per plant group, like the green plants fertilizer, the flowering plants fertilizer, the geraniums fertilizer and the fertilizer for hortansias, azaleas, and gardenias (acid-friendly plants). Their composition consists of all the nutritious elements that are necessary to plants (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium), while they are the only ones to contain microelements. Their liquid form ensures immediate absorption from the plants, giving them full and balanced nourishment, so that they have a harmonious growth, great resilience, shiny foliage and an abundance
of flowers.

Available in 4 types:
• Green plants
• Flowering plants
• Hortansias, azaleas and gardenias (acid-friendly plants)
• Geraniums

Packaging: 500ml